Renovating your bathroom? 4 things nobody tells you

 It can be really daunting to have to undergo major house renovations, especially when it comes to your bathroom. After all, if you have a bathroom then you need it to be hyper-functional and you also need it to be serene at the same time. Even with all of this, you still want to have a little bit of luxury. If you want to make sure that every decision you make for your bathroom is a good one, then you can find out everything you need to know, right here.

1. Never assume that your contractor is on the same page

If you spend more by hiring a contractor they will do the job to your exact design plans and almost certainly faster than you can. However, when you are working with a general contractor, you have to ask them to spell out every part of the plan as you may have some conflicting ideas, you should also never assume anything. That way every single person knows what is going on, so when things are out of your hands, you are confident that you are going to get the bathroom renovation you have paid for.

2. Know that a bathroom will cost more than you think

Do you think you are going to be able to redo your bathroom for a couple of thousand? If so, you’re probably mistaken. The average cost to replace a bathroom is around £10,000. Sure, you can get a basic or a low-grade bathroom for around £5,000 but at the end of the day, this probably isn’t going to add much value to your home

It’s estimated that a lot of the cost for your bathroom will come down to plumbing and fixtures, which will account for around 29% of the total costs you pay. You also have counters or surfaces, which will be around 21%. Labour will account for 20% and then finally, you have hardware, which will stand at around 16%. Keep in mind that you should never spend more than 10% of the value of your home on the bathroom. If you do then you may find that you end up not recouping the money back at a later date. If you want to sell your home, then check out this guide to keeping your bathroom clean so you can really make the most out of your bathroom installation.

3. A statement bathtub isn't always practical

You may think that a dramatic, free-standing bath is the way to go but they aren't always a practical choice. This is especially the case if you hate cleaning or if you like to take more showers than baths. Sure, a statement bathtub may feel great but at the end of the day, it’s going to take up way more room than the average bathtub and you may even find that it is the best way for you to put families off buying your home. After all, families like practicality.

4. Install proper ventilation

Ventilation is something that may not cross your mind when renovating your bathroom but it’s one of the most important things. Without proper bathroom ventilation, moisture can build up in the bathroom leading to mold and mildew on the ceiling and walls. All of the hard work and money you put into your bathroom can quickly be demolished.

Have you ever renovated your bathroom?

Liz x

*This is a collaborative post

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