How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship in Lockdown

COVID-19 has not only affected our lives but also many relationships, whether you're single or not. Living with your partner you are constantly forced to spend more time together than ever before and rely on them for social support because you can’t see your friends or family. You may also be balancing new responsibilities like working from home, child care and home schooling. It’s undoubtedly a lot of change all at once. 

Being confined to your home with your partner, especially if you live in a small apartment instead of a house with hardly any space to just have some "me" time can be difficult to say the least. I myself have lived with my finance in an apartment for the past six years so I'm sharing my tips for maintaining a healthy relationship in lockdown and keeping that spark alive.

Stick to your routines

It can be difficult to to maintain some structure to your days when you’re living in one confined space, but sticking to your usual routine will massively help your stress levels and mental health. This is particularly important if you have children, as they thrive on routine.

For example, if you're not working still get up at a certain time in the the morning and go to bed at a reasonable time at night. If you have kids remember to share the home schooling between you. If both of you are working from home, try to take shifts watching the kids while the other works, or organise kid friendly activities so they are occupied for a few hours.

It's also important to take some individual "me" time and participate in activities separately from your partner as much as possible. You could connect with friends and family online, read a book, take a relaxing bath or listen to a podcast.

Be creative with date nights

Before lockdown you would probably have regular date nights either at the cinema or a lovely dinner out but now being confined to your home you will need to get creative to bring some much needed joy into your lockdown relationship. Get dressed up, set the table for a romantic dinner for two with candles and some music. Or even cuddle up on the sofa and watch your favourite film.

Those who are single and operating their entire love life online on free dating sites could do a video date night with the person with food and drinks.

Surprise each other

We all love a little surprise now and then, but now is the most obvious time to show your partner some extra loving. Try leaving little love notes around your home, bringing breakfast in bed, or surprising each other with thoughtful gifts. If you have kids even the little things like making the bed or putting on the laundry make a big difference when your partner has a busy day ahead.

Designate separate work spaces

If you’re both working from home, try to create separate work spaces closing the door between the two of you, so you can concentrate and not have any distractions. However you can still plan joint activities into your day-to-day routine such as scheduling a coffee or lunch break together.

Don't forget to communicate

None of us have lived through a pandemic before, so we don’t have past experience to guide us through it, so it's completely normal to feel anxious, stressed and fatigued.

A crisis like this has a way of shifting our perspective and makes us reaccess our priorities, and forces us to pay attention to what’s truly important. Talk to each other about your feelings and what worries you. Don’t assume your partner knows how you are feeling, not acknowledging this could result in conflict.

If you're looking for love or even living alone, try and communicate with the outside world and potential partners over dating sites such as Match Me Happy. You never know what could be on the horizon.

How have you maintained your relationship in lockdown?

Liz x

*This is a sponsored post

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