What to expect from The Tweed Run, London

On Saturday I was invited by Pashley Cycles to the Tweed Run in London. The Tweed Run is a metropolitan bicycle ride with a bit of style riding around London passing the amazing landmarks and stopping for a tea break and picnic. Having never cycled on the road before I was a bit scared but the lovely marshals make sure you're safe from the crazy London drivers.

Poster by Eliza Southwood

Proper tweed attire is expected so I styled myself in Next tweed shorts with grey long socks and brogues with a River Island blouse and New Look Tweed Jacket. Not forgetting the wool hat too! I felt very British and almost like I had gone back in time it was wonderful.

I have always wanted to own a Chanel Tweed Piece but I can make do with the high street for now. I really think Tweed should make a come back for AW15.

The boyfriend went all out in his plus fours, argyle long socks, waistcoat and his pipe doesn't he look fab?!

My bike for this occasion was a Pashley Penny which is so comfortable and easy to ride. 12 miles was a breeze. Luckily the weather was sunny and warm too.

Me riding towards Buckingham Palace.

Pashley have actually made a limited edition bike for The Tweed Run which is being auctioned on ebay all proceeds going to charity - London Cycling Campaign isn't it lovely?

If you love cycling and want to feel the wind in your hair whilst sightseeing I encourage you to get tickets to next years Tweed Run. A truly spiffing day!

Have you ever taken part in the tweed run?

Liz xx

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